Monthly Archives: January 2018

Watch The Symphonic Hip Hop 5 Sample Arrangement Tutorial

image: Symphonic Hip Hop 5 Tutorial

Watch The Symphonic Hip Hop 5 Sample Arrangement Tutorial. Bunker 8 thought it would be appropriate to produce a tutorial around this subject. This tutorial will give you a breakdown, section by section of how to create your own arrangement of loops and content for the library Symphonic Hip Hop 5 asd We are asked […]

The most expensive music format in the world is tape!

The most expensive music format in the world is tape!

Now that I have your attention. The most expensive music format tape! Possibly yes, but probably no because you could theoretically reprint your entire collection of music on wax cylinders and push out the last Edition Music Jam.Still, using the most expensive music format tape should not always be your goal. Still, a few analog-loving […]